Sunday, October 26, 2008


You make it harder for me to go..
but at the same time you also give peaceful and warmth in the heart of mine..
thank you..
for everything..

we shud keep struggling..
for not to neutralized the addiction ;p
yes, we refer to me and you

and start counting now..
60 more days without you..


Sebuah kenangan manis..
Dikala dunia menjadi begitu sempit..
Dikala waktu menjadi begitu singkat..

Sesaat sebelum kepergian ku..
60 days to go..


I am falling deeper and deeper..
I am falling head over heels

. . .

I had no choice but to hear you
You stated your case time and again
I thought about it

You treat me like I'm a princess
I'm not used to liking that
You ask how my day was

You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your faults

Your love is thick and it swallowed me whole
You're so much braver than I gave you credit for
That's not lip service

You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your faults

You are the bearer of unconditional things
You held your breath and the door for me
Thanks for your patience

You're the best listener that I've ever met
You're my best friend
Best friend with benefits
What took me so long

I've never felt this healthy before
I've never wanted something rational
I am aware now
I am aware now

You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your faults

You've already won me over in spite of me
Don't be alarmed if I fall head over feet
Don't be surprised if I love you for all that you are
I couldn't help it
It's all your faults

Alanis Morissette - Head Over Feet

Saturday, October 25, 2008


my dear,
you make me blushed again...
toooooo sweet!

duh kirain kenapa tiba2 pegang2 tangan eik...

Thursday, October 23, 2008

Pulang kampung

Start:     Oct 27, '08 06:00a
End:     Dec 27, '08
Location:     pondok kelapa oye
data collection sembari bersenang2..


I was jealous, even when I don’t have any rights to feel that
But I can’t lie to my self that I do jealous of her
Maybe not exactly jealous, but I can sense there something different with the way she treating you
It is just too much..
Maybe I am afraid, or maybe I am just not use to the idea of you having a girl friend

I won’t say it out loud to you that I am jealous
Because I am trying not to

I can only ask you to be careful with that girl feelings

And you said “Don’t be ridiculous! Not all girls are like you.. or her..”
The two girls that fell head over heels for you

You are a butterfly
Too gorgeous, and don’t even realize that you’ve put your charm on everyone near you
Even though you claimed yourself as an introvert person
But you are easily perch from one flower to another, without any other intention than to help those flowers pollinating
But the flowers might take it wrong
And I am being jealous because you care too much for the flowers in other’s garden, but most of the time you forget your own flowers and leave them dried

You know that I am right, that my girly intuition is right
You can sense these things, just like you sense mine since the first time we met
But all you did was denial; you don’t want to believe it
And when you finally accept that it is right,
It is all too late
You can’t reverse the feeling I have

Dear butterfly,
I won't keep you under the glass
You are free, and more beautiful when you are free
It is just the way you are

I can’t and I won’t ask you to stay away from other flowers
Because I don’t have any rights
All I can ask is please be more careful with the way you act
You know the limit
You know when to stop being too nice and too caring
And please show your caring to the one who care you the most in a direct way
Sometimes indirect won’t work, you know it better than me :)
Quoting you: "You need to convey your message clear enough for others to understand"

. . .

When you love someone so deeply they become your life
It’s easy to succumb to overwhelming fears inside
Blindly I imaged I could keep you under glass
Now I understand to hold you I must open my hands
And watch you rise

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun

If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

I have learned that beauty has to flourish in the light
Wild horses run unbridled or their spirit dies
You have given me the courage to be all that I can
And I truly feel your heart will lead you back to me when you’re ready to land

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun

If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

I can’t pretend these tears aren’t over flowing steadily
I can’t prevent this hurt from almost overtaking me
But will stand and say goodbye
For you’ll never be mine
Until you know the way it feels to fly

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun

If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

Spread your wings and prepare to fly
For you have become a butterfly
Fly abandonedly into the sun

If you should return to me
We truly were meant to be
So spread your wings and fly

So flutter through the sky
Spread your wings and fly

Mariah Carey - Butterfly

Wednesday, October 22, 2008

Nguping Jakarta

Mengaku sebagai tempat berkumpul para dialog absurd yang berseliweran di kota Jakarta dengan mengambil inspirasi dari Over heard in New York [].
Dan memang terbaca seperti itu.
Postingan yang dikirim terasa nyata dari kehidupan sehari2, karena memang siapapun boleh mengirimkan laporan pandangan mata mereka langsung ke alamat imel

Lumayan buat ngisi waktu senggang sambil nyengir2 sendiri :D

Bisa langsung diakses di

malam bainay

kisah ini sebenernya terjadi udah lama, tepatnya malam idul fitri kemaren..
yep, sudah 22 hari berlalu.. 
gak papa ya.. meski itung mundur.. hehehe

apa yang terjadi ketika dua orang yang romantis dan keras kepala berpadu?
begitu judul asli yang tadinya mau ditulis.
tapi karna satu dan lain hal, maka 'terpaksa' terjadi perubahan judul 

begini awalnya..
sejak beberapa hari sebelom lebaran, kangmas uda nyuruh2 saya buat mau dikenalin sama temennya, perempuan, buat dipakein mehndi..

apa itu mehndi?
itu adalah seperti henna (memang henna) yang diaplikasikan pada tangan dan kaki..
seperti ini contohnya..
kalo gambar disebelah ini adalah aplikasi mehndi buat ditangan..

balik ke cerita..
kata kangmas, dinegara asalnya, di malam idul fitri ada festival yang bernama chand raat.. 
"'Chand Raat' means 'night of the moon' in the Urdu language that marks the end of Ramadan and the start of Eid ul Fitr"..
itu definisi yang saya dapat setelah bertanya pada mbah gugel..
Dimalam itu para perempuan biasa mengaplikasikan mehndi ke sesama..

"Chand raat simply means "moon night", it can also mean a night with a full moon. It is a time of celebration when families and friends gather in open areas at the end of the last day of Ramadan to spot the new moon, which signals the arrival of the Islamic month of Shawwal and the day of Eid. Once the moon is sighted, people wish each other Chaand Raat Mubarak ("Have a blessed night of the new moon") or Eid Mubarak ("Blessings of the Eid day"). Women and girls decorate their hands with mehndi (henna), and people prepare desserts for the next day of Eid and do the last round of shopping." (Mbah Wiki)

karena sebelomnya si kangmas membawakan saya satu tube mehndi yang langsung diimpor dari negeri seribu pakis itu, 
jadi dia keukeuh sumarkekeuh ingin memperkenalkan seni ini ke saya..dengan menjodohkan saya dengan temannya..
akhirnya saya cuman bisa bilang "oke deh mas.."

tapi ternyata Tuhan punya rencana lain..

temannya tentu sudah punya rencana sendiri dong..
wong ini saat mereka merayakan bersama teman2 lain kok..
ya sud.. gagal lah rencana kangmas...

setelah malam itu kami agak bersitegang (halah bahasanya) dan berselisih paham serta berpundung2an karna hal2 yang ga penting..
saya punya rencana pingin bikin serprais buat si akang..
jadilah saya mulei mencari2 pattern yang bagus dan bisa saya apply sendiri..
tentu dengan kemampuan dan pengalaman saya yang nol besar..

kenapa saya ikutan kekeuh ingin mengaplikasikan mehndi?
karna this is a once in a life opportunity..
taun depan jelas saya tidak bersama kangmas lagi.. (trying to be realistic )
jadi kapan lagi coba saya bisa make ni mehndi dan memperlihatkannya pada kangmas..

setelah nemu design yang lumayan (lumayan bagus dan lumayan ga sulit tentunya )
saya mulei membuat pola ditangan kiri dengan menggunakan stabilo kuning..
setelah itu saya mulai menggoreskan mehndi pertama..
deg deg an... takut salah...
setelah puas dengan bentuk awalnya, saya goreskan mehndi kedua...
tiba2 telepon genggam saya berdering...
ternyata kangmas yang menelpon.. dan dia sudah dibawah rumah saya..

dengan sebelah tangan saya berusaha berpakaian yang lebih decent..
setelah itu saya turun kebawah..
disana kangmas menunggu dan langsung mengajak saya untuk ikut ke kamarnya...
saya kira dia mengajak karna berhubungan dengan sesuatu yang kami perdebatkan sebelumnya...
kemudian saya berkata "gak bisaa..."
dan mengutarakan berbagai alasan..
salah satunya adalah udah kemaleman.. 
ya iya lah..
waktu sudah menunjukkan pukul 2 pagi, sedangkan saya harus bangun jam 5 untuk bersiap menghadiri solat idul fitri di KBRI..
lalu dia berbalik dan bersiap pulang..
ntah kenapa tapi yang saya tangkep dia rada gimanaaa gitu..
akhirnya saya pegang tangannya, dan saya tunjukkanlah dua goresan yang sebelumnya saya buat dengan perasaan tak menentu (halah)..
kemudian saya berkata "saya tidak bisa ketempat mu.. karna ini belum selesai..." dan berusaha memberikan senyum termanis untuknya...
dia hanya tersenyum simpul dan berkata.. "okei"
kemudian pergi lah dia..

ternyata eh ternyata,
dia punya rencana lain buat saya, yang tentunya dia jadi kecewa..
untung saat itu saya berinisiatip menelpon dia, dan entah kenapa saya kekeuh mau dateng kesana..
ditempatnya lah saya baru tau kalo dia sudah mempersiapkan sesuatu..
ternyata dia ingin kami menggoreskan mehndi itu bersama..
karna satu tangan saya telah selesai berbalur, saya merajuk dia untuk mengerjakan tangan lainnya..
akhirnya saya berhasil sodara2...
jadilah malam itu (pagi lebih tepatnya) menjadi malam bainay saya
sukses kelar tepat sebelum waktunya bersiap ke KBRI

pelajaran kali ini:
dia itu kreatif, dan suka bikin rencana2 dan surprais2
tapi dia selalu mengutarakannya dengan cara yang tidak langsung
alhasil saya seringan tak sadar

saya juga suka bikin rencana2 dan surprais2
dan saya juga selalu mengutarakannya dengan cara yang tidak langsung
alhasil dia seringan tak sadar

jadi lain kali...
ngomong dong yang jelas..

saya juga harus pinter2 baca situasi kapan harus kreatif dan kapan harus menyerahkan kreativitas sama dia..
untuk i'm good in doing multi tasking.. huehehehe

nah waktunya dipajang buah karya kami berdua..
tebak, mana yang buatan saya dan mana yang buatan dia 

satu kalimat yang dia lontarkan pada saat itu yang membuat saya bahagia..
katanya saya sudah menggantikan sebuah posisi yang sangat penting baginya..
saya menegaskan, apa saya hanya sebuah pengganti?
dan dia merevisi, "bukan pengganti, tapi menggantikan, maknanya jauh berbeda.."
dia sukses membuat saya bersemu-semu kemerahan..

another point for me!!!
total score 7-0 


this is what happen when two egoist met..

luckily both of us have different form of egoist..
the first one is egoist in a sense of having a really high ego, an inflated feeling of pride in your superiority to others
and the second is egoist in a sense of a conceited and self-centered person who concern about herself and her own needs, but don't have any ego if it's related with the first person

I realize you have ego more than an average man..
but i didn't learn my lessons well..
and i can't stop regretting that i've smashed your ego to the ground..

i know you need some time..
and i know the time you need may be endless..
well, you've wasted three months from you most valuable friend,
i can't imagine how much the time you can wasted from the time we might have..
but endless time is what we don't have..
and i am toooo selfish to let you go away from me..
and i don't have any ego if it concern with you..
that is why i keep trying and trying..
head over heels..
and hoping that you can compromised your ego with me..

aku bagai angin pantai..
yang tak jemu jemu membelai sang batu karang..

i really appreciate your effort to compromising..
even when you said it is not because what i did,
i don't care..
as long as you don't go..
be with me, my coral reef..

i am just an ordinary girl,
who wants to enjoy the leisure of next door neighbor Mercedes as long as i can
that has really comfort seats and cool air condition
i know i can't to buy one, at least not now
but i believe i will have one, even though most probably it can't be the same type
just wait and see where the destiny brings me to

Monday, October 20, 2008

sakit kepala

Ternyata menangis semalam hanya membuahkan sakit kepala saja..
Penantian semalam juga ternyata tidak membuahkan hasil..
Karna ternyata dirinya lebih keras dari batu karang..

Last night was your first,
and mine also..
I never meant to hurt you in any way..
But i realize that i did..
I cannot turn back time..
All i can have is regret..
and endless repent..
I am sorry..
I really am sorry..

. . .

kau sempat ucapkan pisah
saat kuberanjak pergi
tapi perasaanku
tak berpaling darimu

kau ucapkan jangan pergi
saat kudatang kembali
tapi luka ini
telah membeku tak mencair

tahukah kamu semalam tadi
aku menangis
mengingatmu mengenangmu
mungkin hatiku terluka dalam
atau selalu
terukirkan kenangan kita

kau telah hadirkan dia
untuk menggantikan aku
tanpa kau sadari
aku tak kan pernah terganti

kau ingin tinggalkan dia
dan menyandingku kembali
ini tak kan adil
buatku ataupun dirinya

tahukah kamu semalam tadi
aku menangis
mengingatmu mengenangmu
mungkin hatiku terluka dalam
atau selalu
terukirkan kenangan kita

tahukah kamu semalam tadi
aku menangis
mengingatmu mengenangmu
mungkin hatiku terluka dalam
atau selalu
terukirkan kenangan kita

Audy - Menangis Semalam

roller coaster

I really do think that this is the first time i ever being in a roller coaster like relationship
Everytime i over-enjoyed, something happen, and it destroyed..
But we always able to attached all parts together again..
But until when?

My feeling is not pure gold nor diamond,
It is diamond covered with gold..
when it breaks, i can be melted and reshaped,
the diamond parts wil be broke in to pieces..
and everytime it breaks, it became smaller and smaller pieces..
but it always there..
each time it breaks, it become more and more combined with the gold,
make the golden bar more shiny..
So i guess, it will always be like that until the end 

you are my everything.
i gave you my everything.
no need to have doubt on me.

Friday, October 17, 2008

caught in the middle

I am caught in the middle, again, i didn't learn my lesson well
I am just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared, even when i don't show it, i think u should know by now
I can't figure out what i want
I'm a fool, out of love
'Coz I just can't get enough
But it's bringing me down
I know I've got to let it go
Why can't you just enjoy the show?

. . .

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone, I've tried
And I don't know why

Slow it down, make it stop
Or else my heart is going to pop
'Coz it's too much, yeah, it's a lot
To be something I'm not

I'm a fool, out of love
'Coz I just can't get enough

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone, I've tried
And I don't know why

I am just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared, but don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down, I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

The sun is hot, in the sky
Just like a giant spotlight
The people follow the sign
And synchronize in time

It's a joke
Nobody knows
They've got a ticket to that show

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone, I've tried
And I don't know why

I am just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared, but don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down, I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

Oh oh
Just enjoy the show
Oh oh

I'm just a little bit caught in the middle
Life is a maze, and love is a riddle
I don't know where to go
I can't do it alone, I've tried
And I don't know why

I am just a little girl lost in the moment
I'm so scared, but I don't show it
I can't figure it out
It's bringing me down, I know
I've got to let it go
And just enjoy the show

Dum de dum
Dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

Dudum de dum
Dudum de dum

Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

I want my money back
I want my money back
I want my money back
Just enjoy the show

Lenka - The Show

Sunday, October 12, 2008


he introduce me to this na'at (i always said music but then he always corrected me) through his alarm tone on his cell,
and its just keep staying in my brain..
i really like it..
and now i made it as my own tone (after giving efforts in finding the song, i mean na'at, in youtube, convert it into mp3, and cut the best part of it :D)

The singer is a British Muslim singer-songwriter of Iranian Azeri origin, born in Tehran, Iran in 1980 and raised in London. He is really good looking also ;p

The na'at consist of four different language, english, arabic, hindi, and turkish.

. . .

Allahu Allah
Allahu Allah
Allahu Allah

O Allah the Almighty (Allahu Allah)
Protect me and guide me (Allahu Allah)
To your love and mercy (Allahu Allah)

Ya Allah dont deprive me (Allahu Allah)
From beholding your beauty (Allahu Allah)
O my Lord accept this plea (Allahu Allah)

Hasbi rabbi jallallah (Allahu Allah) [My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah]
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah (Allahu Allah) [There is nothing in my heart except Allah]

Wo tanha kaun hai (Allahu Allah) [Who is the only One?]
Badshah wo kaun hai (Allahu Allah) [Who is the King?]
Meherba wo kaun hai (Allahu Allah) [Who is the Merciful?]

Kya unchi shan hai (Allahu Allah) [Who is the most praised and benevolent?]
Uskey sab nishan hai (Allahu Allah) [Whatever you see in this world is His sign]
Sab dilon ki jan hai (Allahu Allah) [Hes the love of every soul]

Hasbi rabbi jallallah (Allahu Allah) [My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah]
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah (Allahu Allah) [There is nothing in my heart except Allah]

Affeder gunahi (Allahu Allah) [He is the Forgiver of all sins]
Alemin padisahi (Allahu Allah) [He is the King of the universe]
Yureklerin penahi (Allahu Allah) [He is the Refuge of all hearts]

Isit Allah derdimi, bu ahlarimi [O Allah hear my sorrows and my sighs]
Rahmeyle, bagisla gunahlarimi [Have mercy and pardon my sins]
Hayreyle hem aksam hem sabahlarimi [Bless my night and days]

Hasbi rabbi jallallah (Allahu Allah) [My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah]
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah (Allahu Allah) [There is nothing in my heart except Allah]

Ya rabbal alamin (Allahu Allah) [O Lord of the worlds]
Salli ala Tahal amin (Allahu Allah) [Send peace and blessings, On Ta-ha the trustworthy]
Fi kulli waqtin wa hin (Allahu Allah) [In every time and at every instant]

Imla qalbi bil yaqin (Allahu Allah) [Fill my heart with conviction]
Thabbitni ala hadhad din (Allahu Allah) [Make me steadfast on this Religion]
Waghfir li wal muslimin (Allahu Allah) [And forgive me and all the believers]

Hasbi rabbi jallallah (Allahu Allah) [My Lord is enough for me, Glory be to Allah]
Ma fi qalbi ghayrullah (Allahu Allah) [There is nothing in my heart except Allah]

Sami Yusuf - Hasbi Rabbi


i was on the pavements that i always yearning for,
but now i should move on, by force,

life, oh life..

Friday, October 10, 2008


saya ingin dapat menghentikan waktu..
melupakan semua hiruk pikuk yang memburu..
dan hanya menghabiskan waktu dengan mu..


Tuesday, October 7, 2008

kerja vs kuliah

saat ini saya benar2 ingin bekerja..
saya tak ingin kuliah!!!!!!!!!

enak kalo kerja..
kao bosen tinggal cabut..
bisa pulang kerumah tanpa ada kerjaan apa2...

iri rasanya tiap kali membaca plurk teman2 yang bekerja tentang 'ketidak ngapa2in'nya mereka..
meski saya tau mereka mungkin juga iri dengan situasi saya yang ga ngapa2in juga...
tapi melakukan thesis ini bikin saya muak!
salah satu teman saya bahkan ber-statement "i want to quit my study, i don;t need master degree, i only want to have knowledge.. and now i got the things i want, and i also know how to conduct research.. i don't want to do thesis"..
tentunya dia hanya omdo alias omong doang..
tapi itulah jeritan hati para kami yang sedang mengerjakan thesis yang bahkan proposal pun tak kunjung selesai..


i fed up with this thesis thingy!

Monday, October 6, 2008


Start:     Oct 9, '08 3:30p
End:     Oct 9, '08 4:30p
Location:     uem meeting room
mudah2an this one is for real..
doakan saya!


i wish i can tell you how happy i am when you asked a simple question tonight...
"with whom did you go to taladnat?"
with my friends..
"which friends?"
my indonesian friends..
"who are they?"
mas sigit.. nino...
hmmm.. 3 boys and 3 girls..
"nothing, just asking"..

a little bit of jealous i assume?

me, again in the mood of counting how many days left that i can spend with you.. 
i don't wanna go home.. 

bangkok film festival, 27 sept 08

akhirnya bisa juga nonton bangkok international film festival..
exactly on my birthday!

berhasil nonton dua film..
yang pertama "vicky cristina barcelona", sebuah film garapan woody allen..
two tumbs up!!!

yang kedua pilm dokumenter yang berjudul "the betrayal"..
tentang perang laos..
sebenernya bagus sih.. tapi agak membosankan..
mana pemerannya kagak ada yang cakep barang sedikit pun lagi ;p
apalagi sebelomnya saya cuman tidur 2 jam..
alhasil saya terlelap ditengah2 pilm dan terbangun pas banget credit title.. huehehe

yang ketiga dengan judul "in search of a midnight kiss"..
sutradaranya dijulukin "woody allan muda"..
setipe sama pelm pertama itu..
ga rugi juga nontonnya..
setelah puas (alias capek pinggang) nonton, kita ngabuburit nunggu buka puasa sambil ngeliat pameran photo "Earth from above"..
sumpaaah.. kereeeeen...
nyesel baru liat sekarang, padahal uda dari bulan juni, dan berakhir tanggal 30..
ga sempet liat lama lama.. soalnya keburu magrip dan perut uda keroncongan..

melangkahlah kami berempat ke pizza company..
sebuah perayaan kecil2an yang tidak direncanakan..
betapa beruntungnya kalian bertiga.. huehehe

what a silent birthday..
but a fun day!

berpelancong di hari raya, 01okt08

setelah sukses makan enak di KBRI kini waktunya jalan2..
berkat van sewaan yang dibayari KBRI, kita berpesiar ke daerah Nakon Pathom..

tujuan pertama ke floating warket, yang ternyata kalo ga weekend ga ada marketnya (halah)..
alhasil kita cuman liat2 ikan patin raksasa, beli nangka yang suk suk alias mateng banget (nyam nyam), beli cayen, beli sendal jepit yang ada ban pelampungnya.. hehehe.. kok jadi belanja ;p

tujuan kedua adalah rose garden, yang ternyata ga ada rose nya (halah)
alhasil kita poto2 aja..

dan yang ketiga ke pagoda (pastilles) yang ga tau namanya apa..
ketemu kamar mandi yang enaaaaak...
penting tuh kalo lagi perjalanan jauh gini :)

meski rasanya membosankan dan agak basi, tapi lumayan dapet banyak poto2 :D

Lebaranan di KBRI - 1 oktober 2008

Minal aidin wal faidizin..
Mohon Maaf lahir dan bathin...

tahun ini untuk kedua kalinya saya merayakan lebaran idul fitri di KBRI...
ditengah rerintikan hujan yang telah mengguyur dari pagi, solat ied pun dipindahkan ke GSG..
tapi hujan itu tidak menghalangi niat kami buat makan lontong (ga ada ketupat, hiks) dan lauk pauknya yang tentunya bikin kolesterol jadi tinggi.. huehehehe...

tapi sayang sekali lebaran kali ini tidak saya habiskan bersama tiga orang niat..
karna dua orang niatnya sedang hijrah ke bandung..
miss you girls..